I’ll Never Be a Saint, or The Tale of the Broken Bodhisattva

One thing I struggle with in the progressive liberal religious world is an over-extended idea of love. This might sound strange, especially as a key cornerstone of my theology is that God must be good, the most good, and anything that portrays God otherwise is wrong. I’ve been watching Soul Boom, the podcast by actor Rainn Wilson. He has a lot of interesting people on, and a few problematic ones. He seems to have a genuinely good heart but sometimes he and his guests (thinking now of Anne Lamott) embrace the notion that God’s love is so expansive that God loves MTG as much as God loves Rainn Wilson.

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Let Beauty In

By Rebekah Savage Let beauty in. Let beauty in like waves lapping on the shore, covering the beach and soaking the sand like an embrace. Let beauty in. Let beauty in like the first sunshine after a cloudy day, filling hearts and homes with a radiance that brings delight. Let beauty in. Let beauty in like a wrapped gift from the Spirit of Life herself, as She offers to us:

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Imagine Ethical Cleansing instead of Ethnic Cleansing

(Gathas: Song 6.4 / Y33.4) ýê thwat mazdâ asrushtîm akemcâ manô ýazâi apâ hvaêtêushcâ tarêmaitîm verezênah’yâcâ nazdishtãm drujem airyamanascâ nadeñtô gêushcâ vâstrât acishtem mañtûm. Wise One, I am one who venerates away inconsideration and evil mind from You; perverse-mind from the family; related wrong from the fellowship; revile from the fellowship; and extremely evil counseling from the world settlements. Summary:Zarathushtra vows to revolutionize society by eliminating all evil and superstitious concepts, improper thinking among family members, wrong practices within the community, abuse and hatred among kindred human beings, and harmful behaviors in society.

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More Good Advice

“Prevent unethical people from doing evil actions and kindly offer insight to those who seek your wisdom.” Gathas: Song 6.2 / Y33.2) at ýê akem dregvâitê
vacanghâ vâ at vâ mananghâ
zastôibyâ vâ vareshaitî
vanghâu vâ côithaitê astîm
tôi vârâi râdeñtî
ahurahyâ zaoshê mazdå. And whoever foils the wrongful by word , thought, or action, or if approached by a visitor, teaches him good things, advances in his convictions to the satisfaction of the Wise God.

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Ancient Wisdom Keeps Coming

Message of the Day “Greed will blind many people by setting their minds on committing evil to amass wealth.” (Gathas: Song 5.14 / Y32.14) ahyâ gerêhmô â-hôithôi
nî kâvayascît xratûsh nî dadat
varecå hîcâ fraidivâ
hyat vîsêñtâ dregvañtem
avô hyatcâ gâush jaidyâi mraoî
ýê dûraoshem saocayat avô. Seizing such spoils, even the sagacious princes have long been devoting their minds and efforts. They have, thus, resorted to help the wrongful. Fired by the wisdom-wasting drink, they have declared that the world must be destroyed.

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Recent Events…Never Forget


Napping is Necessary

Day 4: Rest is Resistance www.triciahersey.com #blackhistorymonth

Lies Are The Enemy

More from the Spitama “False teachers prevent the people of the world from reason and good thinking.” Gathas: Song 5.9 / Y32.9) dush-sastish sravå môreñdat hvô jyâtêush sêñghanâish xratûm apô mâ îshtîm apayañtâ berexdhãm hâitîm vanghêush mananghô tâ uxdhâ manyêush mahyâ mazdâ ashâicâ ýûshmaibyâ gerezê. The evil teacher destroys with his teachings the doctrine of the wisdom of life. He prevents people from the precious acquisition of good mind. I appeal to You, Wise Lord, and to Righteousness, expressing my mind in words.

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Not U’s, V’s

nmaahc.si.edu/stories/c… Double V, still haven’t accomplished it yet.

“Knowledge is the prime need of the hour”

Day 2: nmaahc.si.edu/explore/s… “Throughout her life, Dr. Bethune sought to uplift and to buttress the lives of Black Americans through education, organizations, politics, and strong leadership. Her endeavors were recognized by those she served, members of the press, presidents of the United States, a first lady of the United States, and countless others impacted by her works.” #BlackHistoryMonth

The Women Who Built The World

Day 1: nmaahc.si.edu/explore/m… More than ever, we need to loudly celebrate Black History Month. Take some time every day to learn, honor and remember. It’s an integral part of resisting.

Too Much Is Never Enough to Make Us Happy

Humans have a tremendous amount of power and choice. We have spent millions of years increasing these things, moving us farther away from the larger flow of nature. What we have done with that power and choice hasn’t however made us happier. This story shows how greed destroys balance, increases misery and makes the super wealthy no more noticeably richer than they were before. Would Walgreens’ shareholders and c-suite really see a difference in the standard of living by moving the aforementioned medicine from $66 to $539?

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If Only Cortisol Could Be Harnessed as an Energy Source

It feels like every two minutes we are being assaulted with some decree from The Felon, or some dangerous activity from his Co-conspirators. Current media isn’t great at communicating fully or clearly what’s happening. My good friend and colleague shared this screenshot with me yesterday, and I will try to abide by it. I also have to remind myself that there are states engaged in battle either the Felon, and they are not cooperating in advance.

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Czech Mate

Today is the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. It’s also a time when ICE is rounding up people because they are brown and don’t or might not have the right papers. Papers which are extraordinarily expensive, and tied to a system which is not in any way shape or form sensible. But I’m going to talk about a man who had the “right” papers but in an act of tremendous solidarity, refused to use them for himself.

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We need more helpful persons

(Gathas: Song 4.22 / Y31.22) cithrâ î hudånghê ýathanâ vaêdemnâi mananghâ vohû hvô xshathrâ ashem vacanghâ shyaothanâcâ haptî hvô tôi mazdâ ahurâ vâzishtô anghaitî astish! These principles are clear to the beneficent person, who works for the realization of good mind and dominion, and serves righteousness with his words and actions. Such a man, Wise Lord, is the most helpful person. Summary:The principles of a good life are clear to the person who wants to be helpful to others by promulgating the message, promoting righteousness, acquiring good mind, and cultivating good dominion.

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It’s a-me

For years some friends have warned that a civil war was coming. I was doubtful, in part because our country is so dependent on corporate overlords and a divided violent society would be bad for business. As The Felon’s first week closes, I have to admit my friends may be right. It “feels” to me that people are going to push back and to push back hard. It’s easy to target queer folks and immigrants, for example, but what the hard right forgets is that we have dedicated family and friends who don’t want us to be the targets of a fascist government.

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Bullseye, Or Yay! We solved racism.

I don’t know about you, but I shop at Target a lot. Well like so many other weinees they’re killing their DEI program because guess they solved racism? let them know what you think : corporate.target.com/about/con… Oh and the CEO is probably lonely so send him something Brian.Cornell@target.com

More Old Time Religion

Message of the Day “If you choose to be righteous, a bright future awaits you, but if you choose to be deceitful, then misery is your reward.” (Gathas: Song 4.20 / Y31.20) ýê âyat ashavanem
divamnem hôi aparem xshyô
daregêm âyû temanghô
dushhvarethêm avaêtâs vacô
têm vâ ahûm dregvañtô
shyaothanâish hvâish daênâ naêshat. Whoever goes over to the righteous, enjoys a bright future. But the wrongful lives a long life of darkness, evil splendor and woeful words, because it is on account of his deeds, that his conscience leads him to it.

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Who’s Your Neighbor? Everyone

Two resources to help protect immigrants, and no I don’t give a good goddamn what documents they have. www.ilrc.org/sites/def… www.ilrc.org/red-cards…