Imagine Ethical Cleansing instead of Ethnic Cleansing

(Gathas: Song 6.4 / Y33.4) ýê thwat mazdâ asrushtîm akemcâ manô ýazâi apâ hvaêtêushcâ tarêmaitîm verezênah’yâcâ nazdishtãm drujem airyamanascâ nadeñtô gêushcâ vâstrât acishtem mañtûm.

Wise One, I am one who venerates away inconsideration and evil mind from You; perverse-mind from the family; related wrong from the fellowship; revile from the fellowship; and extremely evil counseling from the world settlements.

Summary:Zarathushtra vows to revolutionize society by eliminating all evil and superstitious concepts, improper thinking among family members, wrong practices within the community, abuse and hatred among kindred human beings, and harmful behaviors in society. He intends to accomplish these lofty goals through “ethical cleansing” and spiritual growth.