If Only Cortisol Could Be Harnessed as an Energy Source

It feels like every two minutes we are being assaulted with some decree from The Felon, or some dangerous activity from his Co-conspirators. Current media isn’t great at communicating fully or clearly what’s happening.

My good friend and colleague shared this screenshot with me yesterday, and I will try to abide by it. I also have to remind myself that there are states engaged in battle either the Felon, and they are not cooperating in advance. So from one eternal pessimist to everyone else, keep pushing back. Keep inundating your elected officials. Make life uncomfortable for collaborating companies. Resistance is not futile, or they wouldn’t worry about it.

adriennemareebr... = SOUS 810 Sasha Costanza-Choc 12/20 [@schock.cc](http://schock.cc) Please: every time you see a completely out of pocket announcement from the trump administration about some illegal action they have taken, I am begging you to go to a search engine and look up whether it's already been blocked by a judge before spreading panic January 28, 2025 at 7:19 PM