It’s a-me

For years some friends have warned that a civil war was coming. I was doubtful, in part because our country is so dependent on corporate overlords and a divided violent society would be bad for business.

As The Felon’s first week closes, I have to admit my friends may be right. It “feels” to me that people are going to push back and to push back hard. It’s easy to target queer folks and immigrants, for example, but what the hard right forgets is that we have dedicated family and friends who don’t want us to be the targets of a fascist government.

Corporations have misread the tea leaves and lined up to felate the Felon. In a society where guns are everywhere, I wouldn’t be surprised if more “Luigi” style events happen. Some percentage of people will always be loyal to The Felon, in a cultish way. But as before some will wake up and realize he’s not going to bring prices down or help them get rich. And they seem to be the ones who tried assassinations and blowing themselves up in their Apartheid Clyde-mobile.

Keep your eyes open, be safe 🙏🏻